Siandra Brooke Perkins

Siandra Brooke Perkins

30/6/1993 – 3/5/2010

Aged 16 years

Siandra`s celebration of life service (PJ Theme as per Siandra`s wishes) held on Friday 7th May 2010 at Reflections Chapel Glendale.


A beautiful brave Siandra

A flower in everyone`s heart

An angel in God`s heaven

Too young for her to part


God Bless you brave girl

Fly on

A butterfly on a flower

Your a special one



My Dear  Siandra, Not a day will go by when I won’t think of you and remember just how much you have touch my life. I will miss you and as I promised, I will look after mummy and keep her safe.. I love you  Sugar Lips…xoxoxo

Siandra, you left us with so many beautiful & happy memories of you.

We will be thinking of you always. With love always.

Sandra, Steve & Lexi-loo

“Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts,
We are forever changed.”

A brave and special young lady, touched my life
I will miss her bubbly personality
I will miss her beautiful smile
I will miss her courage and strength
I will miss so many things about Siandra Brooke Perkins
She will stay forever in my heart.

Will miss you heaps, Sandy
Janelle xo

My darling Angel,

Not a minute goes past when you are not in my thoughts. Thank you for the beautiful sixteen years of memories you gave me. I have no doubt that you are now in a better place. But I do miss you more and more everyday. Im lost without you. I love you my sweet daughter. Your heart goes on in all those you left behind.

Love you always


Hi Sandy,

Today is Nicoles birthday. Even though she had a good day I was sad for her. It was her first birthday without you. It just didnt seem right. There wasnt a minute today or any other day for that matter that I didnt wish you were still here.

I miss you so much, sometimes I wonder how I can go on. For Nicole I am strong. But my darling daughter it hurts so much.

Grandma goes home on Monday. After that I will have this big house to myself. What am I going to do. It is going to be so quiet. I will work out something.

I love you my precious girl and that will never change…

Love mummy

Hi there beautiful,

I got this is the mail today and wanted to share it with you…


When tomorrow starts without me, and I`m not there to see,
If the sun should rise and find your eyes all filled with tears for me,
I wish so much you wouldn`t cry the way you did today,
While thinking of the many things we didn`t get to say.
I know how much you love me,
as much as I love you,
And each time that you think of me,
I know you`ll miss me too;
But when tomorrow starts without me,
please try to understand
That an angel came and called my name,
and took me by the hand,
And said my place was ready,
in heaven far above,
And that I`d have to leve behind all those I dearly love.
But as I turned to walk away
a tear fell from my eye,
For all life, I`d always thought,
I didn`t want to die.
I had to much to live for,
so much yet to do.
It seemed almost impossible that I was leaving you.
So when tomorrow starts without me,
dont think we`re far apart,
For every time you think of me,
I`m right here, in your heart.

By David Romano

I think of you always, so you are always in my heart. i love you darling and miss you terribly.

Love always

Today does not feel right as it is your birthday and you are not here…but we will use this day to reflect on the treasured memories you have left behind…there will be laughter and no doubt there will be tears but we will get through knowing that you are at peace.

I love you and miss you my gorgeous girl.

Happy birthday

I finally got back online today and to this site for the first time.  I read the posts here and this broken heart of mine is filled with unshead tears.


I often lay awake at night

when the world is fast asleep

and take a walk down memory lane

with tears upon my cheek

remembering you is easy

I do it every day

it`s the heartache of loosing you

that never goes away

I hide my tears every time I hear your name but the pain in my broken heart still remains the same I miss you my Queen My darling sweet Grand Daughter till we meet again



It has been six months since you left me yet it still feels like only yesterday..I wrote this for you…

When I am all alone,
with nothing else to do.
I sit quietly somewhere,
to just simply think of you.

Your bubbly smile,
the cheekly look in your eye.
Although these are good things,
they tend to make me cry.

You were taken away from us,
there was nothing I could say.
I begged, pleaded and begged some more,
but he took you anyway.

Not a day goes by,
that I dont wish you were here with me.
Being your cheeky self again,
bit it is just not meant to be.

I know you are in a better place,
free from the disease and the pain.
Sometimes it doesnt matter,
as my heartache still remains.

They say in time it will ease,
but for now it`s just to much.
If I could have just one wish,
Id be able to feel your touch.

I will love you forever,
and always have a cry.
I know you have your wings now,
so fly my baby girl fly.

I miss you so much..I hate this pain.

Love always mummy




Sandy, its hard to believe it has been 12 months since you left.


Just would like to tell you how special you were and always will be

to us both, you touched our lives and hearts in so many different ways. 


Your courage and strength throughout your battle was unbelievable,

you were and always will be an inspiration to us both. 


Every time we think of you we will see your

cheesy grin, remember your bubbly personality

and feel your courage and strength,

so glad you were our friend.


Miss you, love you

Janelle & Renee xxoo



We lit a candle last night for a special young lady who will never be forgotten.


We were in our PJs, can see your cheesy grin now.


Love always


Janelle & Renee xxoo







A year ago today was your celebration of life, when we said goodbye to a special young lady.  On the hardest day, through our tears, you made us laugh and you made us smile with “Don’t Worry Be Happy”, nice memories and of course your PJ theme.  We will never forget Siandra Brooke Perkins.


We went shopping in our PJs afterwards, can see you cheesy grin now.






Love always

Janelle & Renee xoxo



hello precious girl… it has been so long since i last wrote… but not a day has gone past when i havent thought of you or missed you… its been over a year and yet i still cant come to terms with your passing… our lives just arent the same without you but nikkii and I do try… I know you are watching over us and seeing our progress… we can only hope that me are making you proud…. we may do some silly things but its all apart of experiencing life… Scattering your ashes at Stockton Beach was a beautiful little ceremony that brought us all a little peace… I now have a place to go to talk to you and feel at ease… I miss you everyday and have your candles burning at night… Nothing is going to heal this pain in my heart, i can only hope that one day it wont hurt so much… I love you my chicken little… Keep watching us and come say hi soon… I miss you…



Love Chicken Big and Chicken Peewee (mummy and Nikkii)















I woke up this morning, on your birthday, and remembered the last time I looked into your eyes. I felt a deep connection and understanding with you that day Sandy, and I’ve never forgotten the feeling that you gave me. Never have I felt so much courage and strength. So on your birthday I want to thank you for the courage and strength that you have taught me to have and say happy birthday to a beautiful girl, who I’ll never forget. Happy Birthday Miss Siandra.



Love forever and always,


Nae xoxo


Having a memory day, been thinking of you lots, just want to say hello.

Janelle xo


Hi Sandy

Maitland High held their Year 12 presentation day today, it was dedicated to you.  Such a courageous special young lady.

Me and Renee had a giggle this afternoon when we talked about how you would have loved the traditional Year 12 scavenger hunt.

We had a picture of a special young lady with long stripy socks and joggers on, knocked knees and a cheesy, cheeky grin.  You made us laugh again.

Love you and miss you.



Hi Sandy

Thinking of a special young lady and just wanted to wish you a “Merry Christmas”.

Love always

Janelle xo


Hi Sandy

Just saw two butterflies and my thoughts turned to a special young lady.  A few tears, but then I smiled.  Happy New Year Miss Siandra.





Hi Sandy


I saw this photo and it made me smile, I couldn’t help but think of you.






 Dear Sandy,

A heart of gold stopped beating two years ago today.


We had no choice but to say goodbye to an amazing beautiful young lady

who touched our lives with her laughter and smile, her “Don’t Worry Be Happy” attitude and most of all her caring ways, courage and strength.


It will be the memories of these little things that help push away the pain and bring the smiles back again.


“Those we hold closest to our hearts never truly leave us  They live on in the kindness they have shared and the love they brought into our lives”.


Thinking of you, love always


Janelle  xxoo




I caught myself smiling for no reason just now, then I realised I was thinking of you.


Just wanted to say hello.


Love always

Janelle xo


Thinking of you on your 19th Birthday Miss Siandra


Happy Birthday sweet girl.


Love always

Janelle xxoo


Hi Sandy


Just listening to some music, a special song came on and all I could do was think of you,

It’s called “Courageous”,  it’s your song.


Thinking of you


Janelle xo



Sending my love to you sweet girl.


Love always

Janelle xxoo



Another year is almost over.  Merry Christmas beautiful girl.

Thinking of you, love to you.

Nel xxoo



“When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory

becomes a wonderful treasure to always hold in your heart forever”


Heaven gained an angel 3 years ago today.

Sending love, hugs & kisses,


Always in my heart & thoughts.


Nel xoxo






Thinking of you on your 20th Birthday.


Happy Birthday sweet girl.


Love always

Nel  xoxo



So many butterflies today, so many thoughts of you Miss Siandra.

Hope the angels are looking after you.

Love always

Nel xxoo




Hi Miss Siandra

It’s Christmas time again.  “Merry Christmas”  beautiful girl.

Hope all the angels are looking after you.

Love always

Nel  xxoo



“Happy New Year” beautiful girl

Thank you so much for the butterfly. It came when I needed it the most.

Love always Nel xo


Today is May 3rd 2014, 4 years since your beautiful heart stopped beating.


Your smile,

your voice,

your sense of humour,

your charm,

your wit

Mostly, just missing you…

The memory of you will always be in my heart.

Love always

Janelle xo



Hi Sandy

Hoped you liked our visit at the beach and the flowers we gave you yesterday.

There were no tears, but lots of laughing and I know you were smiling cause we were in our PJs.

Love ya

Nel xoxo

Hi Siandra

HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY lovely lady.

Your Mum has organised a special event for you, Hope you have lots of fun watching. Look after your Mum tonight, she will need it.

Lots of Love

Nel xoxo



Hi Sandy

Another year is almost over and another Christmas is upon us. Merry Christmas beautiful girl, thinking of you.


Nel xoxo


Five years today. Thinking of you beautiful girl.

Always in my heart.

Nel xoxo


Happy 22nd Birthday, Sandy

Sending lots of love, warm wishes and hugs.

Nel. xoxo

In The Care of


122 Elder Street Lambton  Ph (02) 4956 4221

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