Marie Therese PRICE

Marie Therese PRICE


Funeral 12th October 2021


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One response to “Marie Therese PRICE”

  1. Name: Vicki Thompson
    Message: RIP my beautiful Aunty Marie.
    Sending love to Libby, Lyn and families Vicki and Gary

    Name: Lynne Davidson
    Message: Sending love care & very special memories
    Name: Kelly & George Efremidis
    Message: Rest In Peace Aunty Marie x

    Name: Jannette Quinn
    Message: You were a most beautiful person Marie and thank you for raising a beautiful son, Peter, my friend.

    Name: Mary, Mark & Bonnie Price
    Message: There with you all in spirit and sending our love 💕

    Name: Julie Fester
    Message: Lyn, Peter and Libby,
    You and your families are in my thoughts and prayers on the loss of your beautiful mother, Marie.
    Hope that you will find peace and comfort knowing how much your mother was loved and admired.
    She was the epitome of gentleness, kindness and elegance.
    Please accept my deepest condolences.

    Name: Robyn & David Bowen
    Message: Aunty Marie
    You were a wonderful lady and I will remember you fondly always
    Forever in our thoughts & prayers
    Robyn David and family

    Name: Michael Hardman
    Aunty Marie –
    lots of very fond memories of your ‘family support’ – always first to arrive/help all in family events/celebrations.
    You are sadly missed….

    Name: Kristie & Soul Ryan
    Message: To our much loved Grandma and Great Nanny to Charli & Georgia, may you now take your place in heaven with God.
    Thank you for filling our lives with cherished memories and so much love. We will miss you terribly.
    All our love always. Until we meet again xx

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