Relatives and Friends of Mr. KEN BELLAMY, ROSLYNE and BILL FIRMAN, MAREE BELLAMY, KAREN, DEBBIE, TRICIA and JOHN, AILIE, LIANA and JOCK, ATHOL MORAN, DELEIS FAULDS and their FAMILIES, the SWEENEY, MORAN and BELLAMY FAMILIES are warmly invited to attend the Funeral Service for their beloved wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, great grandmother, sister, sister-in-law and aunt

Aged 81 Years
Late of Kurri Kurri

to be held in the Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit, Barton St., Kurri Kurri this SATURDAY, July 25th 2009 commencing at 10.30am, thence for interment in the Catholic Cemetery, Kurri Kurri.

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