OTTON, Leo Eric

Leo Eric OTTON
Passed away peacefully at home on April 26, 2006
Dearly loved husband of DOROTHY. Loving and loved father of JOSIE, RIC, SAL, and GEOFF. Loving father-in-law of KEN, ANDRENA, MICHAEL and SHARON. Adored grandfather of KATHY, ALEX, BECKY, THOMAS, SAMUEL, ELIZA, BEN, RACHEL, LAURA and SARAH.

Now at Peace and Forever in our Hearts

Family and Friends of LEO and DOROTHY are invited to attend his Funeral Service to be held at 11.30am, Saturday 29th April at Hillside Chapel, Palmdale Crematorium, Ourimbah. A wake will take place following the service at the Palmdale Crematorium Tearoom.

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